On April 16, 2024, AHV NRW held an important Fit for Trade seminar, which focused on the topic of customs coding for imports and exports, including chain transactions. Due to the recent changes in customs clearance and the creation of export accompanying documents, numerous questions arose regarding coding. Although most of these were already discussed in April, there was still a need for a more in-depth discussion of practical cases.

To meet this need, we approached Mr. Bernhard Morawetz from Morawetz Außenhandelsberatung (MAB). Mr. Morawetz, a proven expert in this field, offered to provide us with detailed information on our specific practical examples. We exchanged examples in advance and discussed all cases in detail. This was a valuable opportunity for our trainees in particular to gain a deeper insight into the complex subject matter and gain practical experience.

Thanks to the joint AHV membership and the mediation of Andreas Mühlberg (Managing Director AHV NRW), this great contact came about. This underlines the importance of networking and cooperation within the AHV NRW community.

The meeting was a complete success and helped to clarify many open questions and deepen our knowledge in the field of customs coding. We would like to thank Mr. Morawetz for his valuable support and look forward to further fruitful cooperation.